Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Well, it seems to be true. I do have a blog. And thank you to everyone who visited and left comments.
Now, on to the knitting.
Monday was UFO night. Lily (one of the furr kids--the meow variety) and I sat an watched 24 while I worked on my poncho. As the action on the show increased, so is my knitting speed. Amazing how much I got accomplished.
I am actually thinking of taking a knitting class. Big step for me, but I think it might be necessary unless I want to knit scarves for the rest of my life--not that there's anything wrong with that!
Off to feed the cats and work on my poncho. Wonder what's on TV . . .

1 comment:

Woofgangpug said...

Good job! Since I'm just learning (and obviously behind you), I'll just say it again. Good job!
