Thursday, November 16, 2006

Knitting, Unemployment, and Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is my last day at my full-time job. Though not by choice, I will become a freelance book packager. Okay, it's what I have wanted to do for a long time, but I would have rather waited until I had a financial cushion in the bank.

So, what am I going to do with the extra time? Oh, I don't know, knit? I do have some writing contracts, so I will be working on those as well. Then there's the cookbook that's supposed to be ready for e-sales in January. Hmm. Perhaps there isn't as much free time as I thought. What I really want is to find a way to combine writing, knitting, and food into some money-making opportunity.

First, there's Thanksgiving! Yea!!!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. While some kids thought Thanksgiving only meant that Christmas was much closer, I was quite content with celebrating Turkey Day!!

Most of my memories center around smell, and the smell of Thanksgiving can't be beat. The smell of my mom's turkey and dressing was heavenly. For me, those smells had the aroma of pies and hot rolls beat by a mile.

Since leaving college, I think I've missed making Thanksgiving dinner once. Even if it was just going to be me, I made turkey and the trimmings. I was going to skip it this year, though. Finances are extremely tight. But, hey, turkey and dressing can be frozen, and employed or not, I have to eat. So, there may not be as many side dishes, but as long as I have the bird and dressing, I'll be one happy camper.

If you would, I'd like you to take a minute and think about how you're going to spend your Thanksgiving. Many of us are going through hard times of one sort or another, but most of us are able to have that special meal and the wonderful memories we can draw on when times seem the most difficult. If you're so inclined, I'd like you to consider those who won't have Thanksgiving and perhaps donate the cost of a meal to your local food bank or to America's Second Harvest. (To find out more about America's Second Harvest, and to make a contribution, please click on the link at the bottom of this site.) You'll be helping someone make memories and have something to be thankful for.

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This is a little late getting to the blog, but hey, I've been busy.

I received a wonderful Halloween package from my SP. She even remembered the cats!!! They loved their new toys. And, I got some nice things too--including gnome gum and lip balm. Who knew they made such things??? I also got some lovely trekking yarn and double-pointed needles. I guess I really need to learn how to make socks.

Thank you SP.